
First I want to acknowledge my Creator God, who “knit me together in my mother’s womb” with the skills and talents I have used to make a comfortable living.  I am grateful for this additional ability to find fun and create challenges out of the shapes and patterns around me. My prayer is that all would find a relationship with Him through his son Jesus Christ.

I would like to thank Miguel Santiago, who provided the outstanding caricature on the About Us page.  He and his wife, Shawna, have been particularly encouraging in this endeaver.

I am grateful to Lauren Simon, whose creativity gave me the coolest logo and brought my website to life.

Thanks also to David Lambert whose technical expertise was invaluable in getting the online store part of the website working.

A big thank you to all of my family, including my daughters and the many nieces and nephews, who have tested my puzzles throughout the years and who ultimately encouraged me to offer them to the public for enjoyment by a broader audience.

And, mostly, I am thankful for my wonderful wife, Ginny, who, though not a puzzle person herself, has never-the-less encouraged me to pursue my dreams through this puzzle company.  You’ve seen me through a lot of obsessions through the years, so thank you for allowing me one more! I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life!